Facts and Figures including maps on wealth (above), family support and population and a graph to show GDP growth. This is an excellent resource provided by the BBC.
The task is to describe an incredible journey that crosses two of the world's major biomes. Your story must be in the form of a series of diary entries and include the following:
1. Coverage of two of the world's major biomes: rainforest. desert, savanna, alpine forest, tundra...
2. Maps to show where you went
3. Descriptions of what you found, including pictures
4. Facts and Figures
5. Information about the types of plants and animals
Well the exam season is well and truly upon us in what is the busiest part of the year for the department (hence the lack of new posts recently!) The year 12 students have completed their exams with the physical re-sit last Friday and the Human paper on Tuesday. I am quite pleased with the two exams, especially F762 which was straight forward and hopefully pupils should do well overall. The physical paper threw a few surprises, particularly the essays which were 'very physical' in contrast to the previous exams.
However, for Years 10 and 11 the big exams are still ahead of us:
Monday 14th June Year 11 Paper 1, Year 10 Physical Paper.
Thursday 17th June Year 11 Paper 2
We say goodbye to year 11 on Thursday, but year 10 are reminded that revision sessions continue after school on a Wednesday. This week Mr Barber will take the session on Rivers in U35 from 3.10pm. Bring your revision books.
To cheer you up I have posted a video about FC United...happy days!! It's not geographical but it is History in the making (wink)
Five people are reported to have been killed in the US state of Oklahoma after several tornadoes ripped through the Southern Plains region. Hundreds of homes and businesses were destroyed and some highways were shut down because of wrecked cars and trucks.
Ok, so we may not like them, but the Historians have eventually got round to making a blog and if you study history it may be an idea to have a look. Don't expect much The website: knutsfordhighschoolhistory blog
This week will see the start of Year 10 revision, and an end to the Year 11 sessions. PAN will take a year 10 revision session on Plate Tectonics in U34, and MKT will be finishing off the Year 11 Map Skills topics in U35. Next week the Year 12 sessions will start on a Tuesday and a Thursday from 3.05 until 4.00. looking at Energy, Tourism and Rural Change. Can't wait!
This is the blog for the Geography Departmentat Knutsford Academy. It covers recent geographical news events that can be used by pupils in key stages 3 to 5