Thursday, 29 September 2011

Landslide in Japan

Although titled as 'Californian Landslide' this event took place in Japan. A great example that shows the potentially devastating effect of landslides.
What factors could turn a landslide like this into a socio-economic disaster?

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Monday, 26 September 2011

Mass Movements: Inducing a rockfall

This footage from Norway shows a helicopter inducing a rockfall. It shows how devastating a rockfall could be on humans (look at the net at the end). Thanks to Todd Hale in Y13

Friday, 23 September 2011

Year 9 Development work

Class 9C1 PAN period 5 Friday 23rd September

Instructions for the lesson:
-Complete the table from last lesson researching the development indicators for the seven countries (e.g. Life expectancy, Infant mortality...)
-Using Microsoft word, produce a 400 word report comparing the development of any two countries.
Choose two contrasting countries, perhaps and MEDC and an LEDC and write a report about the level of development
-Include images, tables and charts

To be completed for next lesson on Wednesday 29th September 2011. Please print out or email to pan

We are back!!

Good news. The blog has been resurrected and will be part of the new Knutsford High School Frog web-page. Look out for news and updates on all things geographical, as well as the setting of work and case-study information