Tuesday 15 September 2009

Mind Map Basilicata LandSlide

by Jess Slinger (Y12 Geography Legend). Click on it to enlarge. The mind map shows the causes and effects of the landslide and can be printed once enlarged.

1 comment:

  1. Great mind map. Can you link it to goats, malaria and the Mafia?
    The GOATS were used by farmers on the open hillsides (Too hot for sheep)which prevented re-growth after the deforestation (greedy critters). This led to more soil erosion. The soil ended up in the rivers which led to swampy estuaries and an increase in mosquitoes... hence the Malaria.
    The Mafia? They hated the poor area with all the mosquitoes so went to America and established organised crime. See the Godfather (if you're old enough) brilliant film.


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