Tuesday 12 January 2010

A2 F763 Earthquake Presentations

Task: Earthquake Assessment

Use the links below to produce a 5 minute powerpoint presentation on earthquakes in LEDC's.

You will have 2 lessons to produce this and it will form your third assessment. You will be assessed on the following:

AO1: Knowledge and Understanding (how much detailed knowledge you show) 13 marks
AO2: Application (how well you use this info to answer the question) 5 marks
A03: Structure and Conclusions 7 marks

Think about the type of essay that you will be set: Evaluate...

The powerpoint must be supported by case-study notes. These may take the form of bullet-point notes or written in essay form.

1. Brainstorm the aspects of earthquakes that you need to study/ research
2. Post on the VLE your choice of earthquake
3. Prepare a powerpoint
4. Prepare a case-study sheet

The links are here (post from 30th November including specification detail)

Due by: Friday 15th January Period 5

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