Sunday 31 January 2010

A-Level Work Monday 1st February: PAN

Year 12 (Period 1)
In the 6th form ICT room, produce a case-study report on the energy use of a country of your choice.
You MUST state which country you are researching on the VLE (click here) as only 1 person can choose each country.
In your report include:
-a summary of the types of energy used
-facts and figures
-examples of types of energy use (both renewable and non-renewable)
-future trends
This is due in on Thursday 4th February along with your other report.

Year 13 (period 2)
In the 6th from ICT room make case-study notes on the Volcanoes that we have been studying.
Include notes on the location, facts and figures, causes, type of volcano, impacts/ effects (both socio-economic and environmental) and responses. The volcanoes are:
Mt St Helens/ Pinatubo, Unzen, Montserrat,

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