Thursday 7 January 2010

Year 12 Geography MKT

Firstly, do not panic. There is plenty of work that you can be getting on with at home. We will complete cold environments and the ways of managing cold environments next week.
Over the next few days I would suggest that you obviously continue to revise the 'coasts' unit but with specific reference to your case study examples.
The disc from the text book contains extended information from particular websites about; St Lucia, Southampton, The Mediterranean and Brazil-Rio de Janeiro. My advice is to work through the case studies e.g. learn facts/figures, understand who manages the area e.g. The SMMA in St Lucia and most importantly you need to say how it has been managed and has it been a success.

Human activities/conflicts= Brazil and Southampton (multi-use coastal areas). Extend notes from disc.
Management and impacts= St Lucia (has been a success- why?), The Mediterranean (management plans have been set up e.g. MAP but the area is under severe pressure due to the size of the area) and you could also use Pevensey for management e.g. the shoreline management plan and DEFRA.

I hope this helps, the activities on the disc are from 2.8 to 2.11. (Use them they will help!)
Best of luck, don't hesitate in emailing me if you have any problems/questions or use the forum on the VLE.

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